Downloading, building, and running Digisim - Marlin/C++ version

The following documentation provides instructions on how to download, build, and run Digisim within the Marlin framework. These instructions were tested on Fedora Core Linux, using the BASH shell, and gcc 3.3.2. Installation under different environments may vary slightly, and if you try to use DigiSim in another environment, we would like to hear about your experience, good or bad.

Obtaining and Building Package Dependencies
The C++ version of Digisim has the following dependencies, and the following versions were used in this implementation:
Marlin has the following required dependencies:

And Marlin also has the following optional dependencies:
To obtain Marlin from the Calice CVS software repository, one needs to use a speficic version of ccvssh. To obtain this specific version go to the Calice Software Repository homepage, and where it says 'With the release of cvs....should use this download.', and click on download. Or, if you don't want to do all of that, just click here.

To build ccvssh, first unpack the tarball in your working area:
Next, change into the ccvssh-0.9.1-mod directory, run the configure script, and then gmake:
Once the compilation is complete, the ccvssh binary is in the ccvssh-0.9.1-mod/src directory. It's best to copy this binary to $HOME/bin and add $HOME/bin to your $PATH environment variable.
Next obtain, Marlin from anonymous Calice CVS access:
Change into the Marlin directory, edit the script and modify the following variables to reflect your installation:

Optional:If you wish to use AIDA with Marlin, modify the following environment variables to reflect your installation and uncomment the bottom two lines:
Next, source the, and build the source:
Obtaining and Building DigiSim
Now that the dependencies are in place, we can build DigiSim. First, obtain DigiSim from the official Calice CVS repository:
Next, build the software:
Running Digisim C++/Marlin
To run digisim from the top level directory use:
Where your_file.steer is the name of your steering file. To specify the data file you want to run DigiSim on, there are two options. The first is to create a symbolic link to the data file you want to work with: This option can be handy when one wants to a quick run of one steering file against different data samples. The second option is to edit the steering file itself.

Last update:08/31/06,